Monthly Archives: November 2016

Please welcome Christine Mazurk! :)

I’m thrilled to have the fabulous author, Christine Mazurk, visit my blog today. Please check out her interview below!

Here’s Christine Mazurk’s professional biography:

I’m an accomplished business woman and Ironman triathlete, who decided to quit my job to write fulltime!! Persistence, determination, and passion allowed me to reach my dream of becoming a published author! It took eight years to find my agent, and she sold my first book within six months. I’ve never looked back. Only forward for my next stories!!!

Some of her amazing books:
Passion’s Race, Passion’s Spirit, Mystical Connections, and Sisters Of Spirit, an anthology written with three lovely friends.

When you’re done reading this interview, you’re going to want to stay in touch with Christine. Here are some options for connecting with her:




*Email: or 

And now it is time to journey into the wonderful imagination and life of Christine Mazurk! Don’t feel like you have to hold your applause until the end… 😉

What do you write, Christine?

I write contemporary fiction with romantic elements. Currently, I have two series going: One is an athletic journey series – two books published to date. The third is my current WIP. The other is a spirit with a message – one published to date, I’m working on the second one in tandem with Passion’s Promise!! Lots going on in my head right now! Characters fighting for the spotlight can make a person a bit loopy.

Who is your favorite character in one of your books?

It would have to be Uri in the Passion’s books. He’s a side character described as a blocky German. He’s one of CJ Fallon’s team mates and the man knows how to make you laugh!! He’s such a gentle giant with a huge heart!! Of course, I love all my heroes: Nick Madison, Mike Dawson, and Aidan Scott!!

Please share a few details about your writing process.

My best writing comes when I’m out for a long run or bike ride or hike. I see the next few scenes like a movie in my head, letting them take shape, so that once I’m showered and back at the computer, the words flow!! Mother Nature is an amazing muse.

If you have pets, please share a memory—can be funny, poignant, sad…whatever you choose!

My two 18-year-old, black and white cats passed away 3 months, 3 days apart. Thirteen days later, on a cold, wet, windy Christmas Eve as my son, DIL and I were walking their three huskies, a tiny black fur ball came running from under a bush and sat on my feet! Our Christmas present from our fur angels!! We adopted a brother for her the following week!! The Universe certainly works in mysterious ways!! (Awwwwww!!! -Amanda)

Please describe your ideal reading spot. Does this differ from your ideal writing spot?

I have two favorite reading spots. It depends on where I am – Florida or Utah. Sitting on the beach and listening to the waves crash or roll over the sand is so peaceful, but sitting under a large shade tree with the red mountains surrounding me is just as spectacular! Do I have to choose? My writing spots vary on my moods or what’s happening in the story. Can you tell I like to move around a lot? (Sounds heavenly! If I ever run away, I’m coming to find you! -Amanda) 

If you were to design a t-shirt with your life motto, what would it say?

“The heart of change is the change of heart!!”

What animal best reflects your personality?

Any large cat; Panther, Tiger, Lion. They are strong yet graceful.

Black socks, white socks, or funky colored/patterned socks?

Funky, fun, fluffy colorful socks!

What’s your idea of an incredible date?

A nice lunch out with my hubby. Favorite foods with an outstanding bottle of wine.

What did you want to be when you grew up at age 5?

I wanted to be a teacher. As I look back on my career, I did become a teacher, only my students were executives in business! I earned my degrees in Business Management and Accounting and climbed the corporate ladder to manage and train executives.

What makes you choose a particular character to develop?

Do you have any special techniques for developing characters? I travel often and love to people watch. It’s the best way to develop interesting characters with unique mannerisms and tics!!

What would you say is your greatest success in your career so far?

I’ve heard from several readers that my stories have motivated them to lose weight or to live heathier, more positive lifestyles. One reader did his first sprint triathlon after reading my Passion’s books. He has since gone on to complete several Olympic distance races and just last month, he finished his first Half Ironman (a 70.3-mile race)!! Hearing these stories makes my heart happy!!!

What do you want to be remembered for?

My empathy toward others, my generosity and sharing heart. I love to give and watch the smiles blossom.

Thank you so much for sharing this insight into you, Christine! I enjoyed learning more about you! 🙂 ~Amanda 🙂 


Filed under Author Interview, reading, Uncategorized, writing

Introducing…Author Dorothy Callahan!

Please join me in welcoming Dorothy Callahan, author of the newly released (today!!!) book, Crazy Little FlingShe’s agreed to answer some of my questions to help us get to know her. Following the Q&A session, you can read her professional bio and find ways to connect with Dorothy! 🙂

So here we go…

Thanks for joining us, Dorothy! 🙂 We’ll just go ahead and dig right in.


*What’s your favorite book of the books you’ve written?

I think if you ask any author, he/she will say it’s the last book written. I think mine is a tie between CRAZY LITTLE FLING and IMPENETRABLE: Let No One In. Both are a fast, roller-coaster of a ride. IMPENETRABLE is about 2 people with severe trust issues who must rely on each other, even as they mean to take each other down– professionally. CRAZY is about a veterinarian whose vacation means she can take a break from making life-saving decisions, only to be tossed into a situation that jeopardizes the lives of everyone she holds dear.

I tend to write about very different people, so what resonates for me or you might be different for someone else. My sweetest story to date, A DECADE FOR DARIUS, is far tamer and was nominated by Sweet ‘N Sassy Bookaholics as “Best of the Best Reads of 2015.” Still has action/adventure, but a lot more heart to the story.

*Who is your favorite character in one of your books?

I tend to enjoy writing about angry heroines, those who lash out first and take stock later. That would include Rayleigh MacPherson from TAMING THE STALLION, Maggie Walsh from IMPENETRABLE, and an upcoming story featuring Cora, the veterinary technician who works with Dr. Krasinski in CRAZY LITTLE FLING.

Maybe it’s because these characters are so different from me? Who knows? 🙂

*If you have pets, please share a memory—can be funny, poignant, sad…whatever you choose!

Oh, boy, do I have pets. Or ghosts. Or cats who chase ghosts. Or just naughty cats. My day goes something like this: I walk into the house and yell, “Get off the counter!” to a cat who shouldn’t be on the counter. They know this. The rules have not changed since I got my first apartment when I was 21. So, why were they up there? Invisible bugs on the ceiling? Staring down ghosts? An innate need to challenge those who deliver kibble to their bowls? Or we walk into the kitchen and find our bills scattered on the floor. Well, since the cats aren’t allowed up on the counters (right? right?), it must be ghosts!

Then, let’s consider the reason I bought a computer desk with a hutch. Did I need storage? Not really. What I *needed* was a place to store my cats while I wrote. I made sure the hutch was JUST TALL ENOUGH that any cat’s tail dangling down would not obstruct my monitor.

I was off by 1 inch.

True stories.

*Please describe your ideal reading spot. Does this differ from your ideal writing spot?

My *ideal* reading spot involves a lounge chair and sun glinting off waves. Eighty degrees. Flip flops. Bathing suits. Siiiiigggh. Where I *read* is usually on the couch or settee. Add a cat. Or three. But my writing spot is my desk. I’ve never read at my desk, except that one time my Kindle ran out of juice mid-book. Thank God for apps!

*If you won millions in the lottery, what would you do with it?

See above regarding ideal reading spot. Siiiigggghhhhh. No, I’d move to Key West and buy the Hemmingway House. (Everything’s for sale if the price is right.) Then I’d donate to animal shelters. I think I’d probably turn my home into a kitty shelter at some point, too. A real one. Not just for furry social deviants who like to scatter my mail across the floor.

*What kind of pet have you always wanted but have never had?

My initial answer is 5 horses: a palomino Appaloosa, a Kiger mustang, a Freisian, a Tennessee Walking Horse, and a Gypsy Vanner. Barring those, a turquoise fire-breathing dragon. Oh, yeah…..

*Black socks, white socks, or funky colored/patterned socks?

The funkier, the better. With Halloween this week, I’ve worn Boo ghost socks, gray bat socks, and black socks with little white bones on them. 🙂

*What’s your idea of an incredible date?

I’m sure Gerard Butler will maintain his silence. Oh, the kilt…..

Thank you so much, Ms. Torrey, for letting me join your blog today! I had a great time. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to reach out. I’d be happy to chat. 🙂

Thank you for joining us! By the way, I’d love to have a dragon, too! Maybe our dragons can have playdates? 🙂 ~Amanda 🙂 

Here’s how you can connect with Dorothy: (And I do recommend that you reach out to her–she’s amazing and highly entertaining, both in person AND online!)




Twitter @Callahanauthor

About the Author

Dorothy Callahan is one of those authors who annoys other authors by refusing to be tied down to one genre. If a tale demands to be told—even if she’s never read a single story like it—she’ll find a way to write the book of her heart. This is the only way to quiet those demanding characters begging to be heard.

She lives in New York with her wonderful husband, a pride of demanding cats, and two loyal dogs, all rescued from shelters (well, not the husband). Her love of both animals and writing prompted her to start READ AND RESCUE, an organization where animal-loving authors and readers can find one another. The unique aspect to this group is that each author pledges a portion of proceeds to his/her favorite animal cause.

When Dorothy is not writing, she enjoys shopping for antiques and renovating their pre-Civil War house. If you are interested in learning more about Dorothy or how to help other animals in need, please visit her at,, Facebook at Dorothy Callahan Author, or Twitter under Dorothy Callahan@Callahanauthor.

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Filed under Author Interview, reading, Uncategorized, writing